About Me

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I am 31, established in my career, and love just being me! I am also a dog mom to HUGE Weimaraner, Bella. I want to share and update all my friends and family as I win my fight against breast cancer. I was diagnosed Friday, March 25th 2011. I got the phone call from Dr. Jen (who is also a long time friend) at 1:33pm. And that's when my journey began...

Saturday, April 30, 2011

Holly's Coming out Party to Celebrate Negative Gentetic Testing!!!

Here's to Negative Braca I and II Genetic Tests!!!  What a relief to know I do not have a genetic mutation and this does not run in my family, they are safe!  I get to keep my boobs and ovaries too!!! Kind of weird to celebrate that but nothing seems to shock me these days!  So treatment as scheduled....no changes needed since these tests are negative. 

Chemo #4, man these are flying by

Sushi after Chemo #4, Guest: Cheri!!!!
Chemo went fine as usual.  It was great to have Cheri with me the entire time.  Matt stopped by on the way to practice, Sam stopped by for a bit with lunch, and Anna Marie came right after school.  I remember saying to Cheri, "well I never thought we would be doing this together."  But there we were, talking about her journey and mine. It was so great to see her and to catch up on all aspects of our lives.  I hope she comes again!  We went to sushi after chemo this has become my typical craving. We have had Julie, our waitress everytime after chemo so she had to get in the picture too.   

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Upcoming Appointments

Chemo #5 Thursday May 5th, Chemo 12:30.  Scheduled guest, Anne T., Anna Marie, and Matt

Thursday May 12th, Appointment with Amy Wing, Nurse Practioner for measurement at (will she even be able to measure it after 5 chemos?) 8:00am and chemo #6 at 8:45am.

Chemo #7 Thursday May 19th, at 12:30, no guests scheduled, any takers???

Chemo #3 Guest: Scarlett

Scarlett joined me for my 3rd chemo.  We shopped for fancy hats after chemo then Anna Marie met us for sushi and a little sake. 

Chemo #2 Guest: Aunt Cheryle

Aunt Cheryle and Matt at Chemo #2

Holly is Here!!!

Bella is watching Holly.
 Holly, is in the bag!!!
She's here!!!!  I picked up my wig on Friday and named her Holly.  I don't need her yet but I have her for when the time comes....it is drawing near.  Anna Marie and I went to the Rio after we picked her up.  We had to introduce her to our favorite spot and of course toast to her joining in on all the "fun."  We took her home and practiced all kinds of different do's.  It was a fun night!

Thursday, April 21, 2011

It SHRUNK! And Chemo round 3

Oh what fun it is to infuse.... Taxol still remains my friend, well sort of.  Started to get a rash and itchy ears went back into the office after lunch (sushi with Scarlett and Anna Marie) and had to get a steroid treatment. Rash went away in 15 min. 

Appointment with Dr. Medgesey this morning.  "Your progress is fantastic"  She measured my mass on the skin which measured 5.5cm on March 28th (prior to any chemo) and is down to 3.3cm after 2 rounds of chemo, no wonder that thing throbs like hell from time to time!  So glad the mass is responding to the treatment!  Everything is working as planned....do I dare say that?

My dear friend Scarlett and Matt were my chemo buddies today.  Mom came to my appointment then had to head to work.  Dad is on a field experiment in Oklahoma so he was with me just via text.  It was great to hear the excitement/relief in his voice when I told him the drastic change in my mass.  After chemo we met up with Anna Marie for some sushi and sake....mmmmm!

Beacuse Scarlett is the amazing person she is she brought materials for me to design the tattoo I have been talking about.  I designed it and will post a pic soon.  I am so excited about it and cant wait to sport it when my treatment is over....SEPTEMBER, a hair style by Christmas!

Happy Anniversary to Mom and Dad today, you know I love you and you are my pillars of strength even before I was diagnosed with cancer.

Good night!

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

What not to say when someone tells you they have cancer....

Because I am feeling sassy tonight:-) I decided to blog about what not to say when someone tells you they have cancer.  I do feel that all people mean well and that sometimes what we say is not thought through. Also, when someone tells you they have cancer it is shocking so our best words are not always available.  So yes, as Grace being the theme throughout my journey I have given many people grace when it comes to the questions and statements I have heard in the last month.  So for future reference when someone tells you they have cancer they may appreciate if you could with hold the following:

.....Oh my gosh, I googled it.  Yeah, that one is bad . Long pause, simply because I am shocked you JUST said that!

.....What are you going to do now?  If you really knew me you wouldn't be asking me "what."  You would be asking me "when" is the celebration it's over party????

.....And the WORST thing you can say to someone who has just told you they have cancer:  "Are you ok with losing your hair?"  Because that's on the forefront of my mind!  AND, like who would be??? it's not a choice.  Rather mandatory for me to live and for a long time!  It's not the chemo that's the bad guy here it's the cancer...that's from Mandi's blog, she's 31 and winning her fight too.

.....Also, call it cancer, the "C" word reminds me of pretending to curse around my parents when I was a kid. There is no shame in having cancer it is how you fight it and who you fight it for.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Sunday Dinner

Waiting for Matt to finish grilling up the steaks. I Had a drink with Matt and Kenny at the golf course before dinner, it was nice to visit with Kenny.  Mary, his friend gave me the neatest braclet that represents all different types of cancer awareness.  Thanks Mary!  I love it!

Missed Anna Marie this weekend, her and D were at the cubs game at Coors Field.  I could tell they had a blast from all the text and picture messages.

We said farwell to Aunt Cheryle this morning:-(.  It was so nice to have her here for the week.  I couldn't have asked for a better surprise!  Now, who is next on the visitor list?

It was a nice day here today, I had lots of energy, unlike yesterday.  Got a lot done around the house for the week and even did some work preparing for a training I have to give on Tuesday in Louisville.

Next chemo and Oncologist appointment coming up on Thursday.  Ready to get the 3rd one down! 

Matt says that he grilled some amazing steaks.... we will see about that!

Love you all!


Friday, April 15, 2011

Feeling Great Today!

So far so good after round 2!!!  Hoping to leave work early today to go play.  My Aunt Cheryle is still in town so I would love to spend more time with her before she leaves.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Upcoming Appointments

Thursday April 21st (Mom and Dad's anniversary), Oncology appointment at 8:00 (will find out how much the tumor has shrunk) 3 hour chemo infusion at 8:45am.  Scheduled chemo guests: Mom, Matt, and Scarlett.

Timeline of My Journey

Sunday, February 6th, getting ready to go out.  Noticed a lump in my left breast, thought it was weird but would just watch it for a while...Rio here I come!!!  And what a fun night it was!

Thursday, March 10th, time to make the phone call to Dr. Jen, I think it got bigger... Told my mom tonight what was going on.

Friday, March 11th, playing wii with D and AM; told AM what was going on (for those of you who don't know, AM is Anna Marie, my best friend)

Monday, March 14th, appointment with my Dr. for a physical.  She ordered the mammogram and ultrasound.

Thursday, March 17th, Mammogram and Ultrasound day, and results...wasn't expecting that!  Mom can you get here and quick?  Found out I had 2 masses not 1.  Left breast only.  Right breast all clear.  Dr. Gunderson could not rule out anything "dangerous" on ultrasound but not to worry she said, 80% of biopsies come back negative-woohoo!  Time to schedule the biopsy.  Mom's quote:  "Well Mary, you never do anything easy."  Anna Marie met me at home early and we went to lunch, yes the RIO!  We refer to this day as "that one day."

Wednesday, March 23rd Biopsy day.  Mom and Anna Marie and I wore a dress code consisting of work out clothes, running shoes, and meaningful jewelry.  Dr. Paqulette preformed the biopsy-AMAZING woman.  When I laid eyes on her prior to surgery, I knew I was in excellent hands.  Anna Marie got to go in the biopsy room with me.  We talked about going to New York for my birthday and going to the Rio when the biposy was over.  I watched the entire procedure on the ultrasound screen.  The lumps would not aspirate -  on to needle core biopsies.  Feeling fine after the procedure.  Took rest of the day off to geocashe with AM and of course we ended up at the rio.  The bartender refilled my ice compress:-)!!! 

Friday, March 25th  Results day!  I have breast cancer.  Dr. Jen said to come in at 4 and bring my family.  Once I heard the words "breast cancer" I could not hear anything else she said.  We needed to meet in person and digest the news together with Jen.  My mom, dad, brother, and Anna Marie piled into her office to get the details as to what was happening inside my body.  From the preliminary pathology report I had localized breast carcinoma.  Dr. Jen asked if she could schedule my week with the best of the best in Oncology, Radiology, and Surgery.

Monday, March 28th, Oncology Appointment with Dr. Diana Medgyesy.  I have HER/Nu 2 positive localized stage 2 breast cancer.  And round 1 of wig shopping in the afternoon with Anna Marie and Mom.

Tuesday, March 29th, Surgeon appointment with Dr. Stephan Pettine. Dad and Anna Marie are along for the appointment.  Bilateral MRI in afternoon Anna Marie is still right by my side. 

Wednesday March 30th, another ultrasound of both breasts in the early morning, first appointment alone.  PET scan in the afternoon Dad is going with me.  The PET scan will determine if the cancer has spread anywhere else in my body.  I am radioactive. Can't hug or hold hands for at least 2 hours post appointment.

Thursday March 31st, cardiology appointment at PVH, my heart is in great condition!!!

Friday, April 1st, Radiology appointment for the consultation and results of PET scan-ALL CLEAR cancer is in left breast and 1 lymph node, a celebration is in order in my opinion!!!  Oncology in the afternoon to determine the plan.

Monday, April 4th PORT surgery-not at all what I expected!  Ouch!

Tuesday April 5th, back to surgeon's office. Are you sure this feeling is normal?  Major muscle spasms!  Oh to ice and drugs!  Much better by evening.

Wednesday, April 6th back to work!!!

Thursday April 7th first round of Taxol and Herceptin, 4 hour infusion!  Went Great!  Absolutely no side effects from the chemo, great first week.  Got my wig ordered and it's beautiful!  Thanks to Cheri at the Old Town Hair Company!  They are so great over there.  Chemo guests, Dad, Mom, Matt, and Anna Marie

Tuesday, April 12th genetic testing. Results will be here in 2-3 weeks.  This could determine a change of surgical plans between chemo and radiation.

Thursday April 14th, second round of Taxol and Herceptin, 3 hour infusion! Went Great!  Chemo guests, Dad, Mom, Matt, Anna Maire, and Aunt Cheryle-who came in Saturday the 9th to surprise me!

Thusday April 21st,  Appointment with Dr. Medgysey and chemo round #3.  It shrunk!  Chemo guests, Scarlett, Mom, and Matt