About Me

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I am 31, established in my career, and love just being me! I am also a dog mom to HUGE Weimaraner, Bella. I want to share and update all my friends and family as I win my fight against breast cancer. I was diagnosed Friday, March 25th 2011. I got the phone call from Dr. Jen (who is also a long time friend) at 1:33pm. And that's when my journey began...

Thursday, April 21, 2011

It SHRUNK! And Chemo round 3

Oh what fun it is to infuse.... Taxol still remains my friend, well sort of.  Started to get a rash and itchy ears went back into the office after lunch (sushi with Scarlett and Anna Marie) and had to get a steroid treatment. Rash went away in 15 min. 

Appointment with Dr. Medgesey this morning.  "Your progress is fantastic"  She measured my mass on the skin which measured 5.5cm on March 28th (prior to any chemo) and is down to 3.3cm after 2 rounds of chemo, no wonder that thing throbs like hell from time to time!  So glad the mass is responding to the treatment!  Everything is working as planned....do I dare say that?

My dear friend Scarlett and Matt were my chemo buddies today.  Mom came to my appointment then had to head to work.  Dad is on a field experiment in Oklahoma so he was with me just via text.  It was great to hear the excitement/relief in his voice when I told him the drastic change in my mass.  After chemo we met up with Anna Marie for some sushi and sake....mmmmm!

Beacuse Scarlett is the amazing person she is she brought materials for me to design the tattoo I have been talking about.  I designed it and will post a pic soon.  I am so excited about it and cant wait to sport it when my treatment is over....SEPTEMBER, a hair style by Christmas!

Happy Anniversary to Mom and Dad today, you know I love you and you are my pillars of strength even before I was diagnosed with cancer.

Good night!